Tuesday, June 23, 2020


John 18:38 (TLB)
“WHAT IS TRUTH?” Pilate exclaimed. Then he went out again to the people and told them, “He is not guilty of any crime.”

Growing up as a Christian, one thing I have had to battle with constantly is “faith statements” or “prophetic declarations.” Then, each time I stood my grounds to make such assertions, I always hear an annoyingly loud voice in my head commanding me to stop joking and be realistic like every other normal human being walking the earth. And each time I try to make a case for the declarations, the voice begins to present facts both in audio and visual forms.
For example, the pastor leads us to declare: “I am not poor; I am rich. I will not die untimely; I will live long. I am not a failure; I am a success. I am not cursed; I am blessed beyond measure in Christ. etc.” The minute we take our seats after those powerful declarations, I will hear that annoyingly loud voice saying, “You are rich yet you are hungry and don’t have a job. You will live long yet you are sick and that sickness according to statistics is killing people faster than you think. You are a success yet everything you touch fails. You are blessed beyond measure yet people can’t stand your presence because of the bad luck you carry.” And each statement is backed with a good picture of a current or past situation in my life that makes me eventually accept the reality/truth presented.
And this happens to be the current situation/challenge many Christians are facing in their Christian walk today. 

When the subject of truth comes to play in the life of a Christian, there is but One (John 1:17/14:6); He came in the form of a man, walked on this earth, was crucified, died, was buried, but He resurrected on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of God, the Father. His name is JESUS! He is the Living Word of God. He is the Light of the World. He is the Living Bread. He is the Living Water. Until a Christian fully accepts Him, that is, grants Him access into his/her life, his/her reality/truth will remain distorted for life. He/she will continue to walk in this world’s reality/truth instead of the reality/truth He came on this earth to present.

In His short life on this earth, He presented a snippet of the reality/truth the world would benefit from if it would only accept Him as the Son of God and believe in the only true God who sent Him.
He came to a world with various incurable sicknesses and diseases, yet He showed another where every sickness and disease has a cure (Matthew 4:23). He came to a world where demonic possession was a lifestyle; yet He showed another where demons trembled at His presence (Mark 1:23-26). He came to a world where fear was the only reaction when the elements of nature act up; yet He showed another where the elements of nature listen to its creator (Matthew 8:23-27). He came to a world where it was never possible to walk on water; yet He showed another where at His word and concentration on Him it was easy to do the same (Matthew 14:25-29). He came to a world where death was the end of life; yet He showed another where the dead could be brought back to life at His word (Matthew 9:23-25). He came to a world where one needed a year’s income to feed over five thousand people; yet He showed another where five loaves and two fishes were enough to overfeed over five thousand people (Matthew 14:15-21).
He lived in the same world, we live in today, yet walked in a different reality/truth. He listened to the facts, but He didn’t accept them as His reality/truth. He only believed in the reality/truth presented by His Heavenly Father.

Again, I ask, what is your reality/truth? What is real/factual to you? What the world is presenting as truth or what the Lord is presenting as truth according to His Living Word?
Yes, I heard you when you said you are sick or feeling pains. Yes, I have seen the doctor’s report. Yes, I have seen the X-ray of that cancer. Yes, I have seen the test results. Yes, I saw you hungry and helpless. Yes, I can see that the women in the family are barren. Yes, I can see the business going down the drain. Yes, I can see the landlady/landlord giving you the final eviction notice. Yes, I can see you in the wheelchair. Yes, I can see that the men in the family die at age 50. Yes, I can see that the arm is broken. Yes! I can see that you are addicted to that hard substance. Yes, I can see all of that.
What I am refusing to do is to accept the reality/truth you are presenting. All I see is the reality/truth Jesus keeps presenting to me through His Living Word. In His reality/truth, I can choose never to be sick. I can choose to live long. I can choose to have my body parts replaced if the need arises. I can choose to have my provision daily. I can choose to have every problem bow to its knee at the mention of His name. Those are His promises to me. And that is my reality as a child of God. I walk not by what I see, feel, taste, smell, or touch; I walk by what He says.

Yes, sometimes I felt I was stupid for saying things that were not as though they were. And truth be told, most times, that annoyingly loud voice made so much sense to me as compared to the other which kept encouraging me to keep speaking and trusting in those assertions. But each time I kept at those declarations, I felt that strong sense of painting a picture on a black canvas with black paint. I may not see what I am painting, but it doesn’t also mean I am not painting a picture. If a strong light should be provided, the painting would be visible. 
Blessed as we are, our Savior and Master is the Light of the World. Keep painting on the black canvas with the black paint you have, His Light will make it visible at the right time.

Remain in the blessings of the Lord as you remain in Christ.

In the Gospel of John chapter eighteen verse twenty-eight downwards, we see Jesus being escorted to Pilate’s palace for His trial. After Pilate questions His accusers, Pilate takes Jesus aside to have a tete-a-tete. During that short conversation which was to ascertain the veracity of Him being the “King of the Jews,” Pilate ends the conversation with a rhetorical question – WHAT IS TRUTH? And this was after Jesus had said this to him, “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.”
From that statement, Pilate found his truth. It, therefore, came as no surprise to me when he boldly posted a sign over Jesus reading, “JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” When asked by the chief priests to change it, Pilate made this bold statement, “WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN, I HAVE WRITTEN. IT STAYS EXACTLY AS IT IS.” (John 19:19-22)

Learn from Pilate. Learn to stick to the realities/truths you find after interacting with the Living Word.

My Heavenly Father, grant me the grace to stand my grounds when it comes to what you have declared as my realities/truths in your Living Word in Jesus' name.

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