Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Ask a Christian how much access God has in his/her life and the immediate answer would be 100%. Sincerely, that has been easy to say for most Christians because we believe or think when we gave our lives to Jesus Christ we did exactly that. But, if we should check our lives to affirm the veracity of our answer, only a few Christians will pass the test.

How does God have 100% access to our lives yet the decisions we have taken so far in our lives have no resemblance to Him?
How does God have 100% access to our lives yet there is nothing about us that can directly show forth His Glory?
How does God have 100% access to our lives yet we are still living as we please, not as He pleases?
How does God have 100% access?

In my layman understanding, if one has access to something, he who has access to that thing has every right to do as he wishes to that thing.
Depending on the level of access, some or all of that thing belongs or is at the care of he who has access as long as the privilege lasts.
Until access is denied he who has access, he has the liberty/freedom/right/authority to do as he pleases and wishes any day, time or place.  

If God truly has 100% access to your life after you gave your life to Him, why is your life before you accepted Christ better than after you gave your life to Christ? 
Yes! Why is your life before you openly “recited” the "sinner’s prayer" better than now? If you will be sincere with yourself and do a quick analysis of your life, you will come to the realization that you are getting worse instead of being like Christ, He who you have accepted as your Lord and Personal Savior.
Please do not fight this with that adulterated Grace message that has given many the license to sin in the hope that they will surely go to heaven because they have already said the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer”.
You cannot truly have Christ, He who was hated by the World, in your life and be like the very World that crucified Him for you and me.

JOHN 1:12(a)      But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God…

The above scripture is the key to unlock the understanding you need to walk in the light again. But, before we delve into the scripture, let us quickly have a background of the verses before the above verse.

From the first verse of the first chapter of John, Apostle John, the writer of the book of John, opens his writing by stressing on “The Word”. Apostle John describes “THE WORD” as being in the beginning, being with God, and being GOD. He further states that “THE WORD”, which he has already described as being God, was with GOD in the beginning.

It was as if Apostle John thought we would ask, “WHAT ABOUT THE WORD?” To that, he quickly went further to tell us about “THE WORD” by saying, “all things were made by HIM (THE WORD); and without HIM (THE WORD) was not anything made that was made.” To Apostle John’s understanding, any or all forms of creation come only from “THE WORD” and nothing else.

Again, Apostle John was quick to think we would ask, “WHY IS CREATION DEPENDANT ON THE WORD AND NOTHING ELSE?” To that, he added, “In HIM (THE WORD) was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” Apostle John believed that “THE WORD” had a LIFE, and that LIFE was the LIGHT men needed to walk in this dark world.

Jumping to John chapter one verse nine after he briefly introduces John the Baptist, whose duty it was to bear witness of the LIGHT spoken of in verse four and five of the same chapter; “THE WORD” is again described as “THE TRUE LIGHT” which lights every man that comes into the world.

In verse ten of the same chapter, Apostle John said, “He (THE WORD) was in the world, and the world was made by Him (THE WORD), and the world knew Him (THE WORD) not. According to the Greek word translated as “knew” which also means “to learn to know or to understand”; the world did not learn to know or understand “THE WORD”. And because the world failed at getting to know and understand “THE WORD”, when He (THE WORD) came to His own, His own received him not. But, those who took the time to know and understand “THE WORD” and give it 100% access into their lives, it is to these people that He (THE WORD) gave the POWER to become the sons of God.

Studying the Greek word for “received” very carefully, I found out that it does not only mean claiming or possessing “THE WORD”, but also allowing “THE WORD” to have full access to one’s self/life. James explains it better when he says, “be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” We are failing to be what Christ is because we fail to learn to know, to understand and to grant 100% access to the very Word that has the divine power to make us the sons of God.

Now, let me rephrase the question: HOW MUCH ACCESS DOES THE WORD HAVE IN YOUR LIFE?

“The Key to Sonship in the Kingdom of God is in the level of access a believer gives “The Word” in his/her life.”

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