Monday, October 21, 2024


While on campus during my days in Bible school, I asked a question in class about a sensitive topic in the body of Christ. Without hesitation, the reverend began his answer by saying, 'You are not thinking right.' Although we trashed that opening statement out after the lecture, it has always stuck with me because it made me aware of the need to find the source of every thought process each time I communicate or discuss a topic with anybody or listen to anybody on a matter. I have come to understand that everything we think, say or do is based on an understanding gathered from the few or many years one has lived on earth, whether being a Christian or not. It is, therefore, imperative for the Christian to choose to live based on the daily instructions of the Holy Spirit. A Christian who fails to commit to a life locked in a secret place with their maker will indeed follow the guidance provided by family spirits, eventually leading them into generational paths that have nothing to do with their destiny in Christ. Their lack of attention to the secret place has made that available in their life. The absence of one authority automatically makes the other available. It is like an automatic plant that takes over when the lights go out. Until Christians consciously choose to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit daily, they are prone to all demonic influences, no matter the abundance of knowledge about their heritage in Christ. (Anyway, I have veered off the main reason for this article.)


The Holy Spirit has drawn my attention to a dangerous thought pattern currently running in the kingdom of God – the belief that the success of every individual is solely dependent on the actions or influence of another individual. This belief, which is not in line with the teachings of the Bible, is a form of pride. It is wrong for such a thought to run in the kingdom of Light, where we know that the source and ability to do all things is from God, not mere men. It is a demonic thought that has infiltrated our camp, and yet we have meditated on it for too long that it has caused a viral infection that is slowly killing the kingdom army. I know what I am saying because I have thought about and acted on this for several years, and it took several teachings by the Holy Spirit to snap out of it.

It is sad to see commanders in the kingdom of God put down their armour and leave their post because the men they claimed to have made 'somebodies' have disappointed or betrayed them, and so they are no longer going to be a help to any other person the Lord brings on their path. Men have buried their gifts and operations of the spirit because another man failed to show gratitude to them for the effects of the gifts or operations that had nothing to do with them but God.

I am not encouraging ungratefulness towards men; I am only fighting the viral infection. Suppose the so-called men we have made 'somebodies' are still connected to God and are always eternally grateful to God for what God has done for them.


Why are we offended that they never said thank you or are refusing or forgetting to acknowledge our efforts in public as they interact with great men or women? The fact that 'we' helped a fellow human to find or open the books concerning their lives should instead be held as a privilege in the sight of God, not a badge of honour we hope to carry on our heads wherever we find ourselves in the space of men. When did honour before men become more valuable than honour before God in the kingdom of Light? The Holy Spirit clearly stated in the first three chapters of the book of Luke that John and Jesus found favour in the sight of God before men. In other words, they were first honoured by God before men. They were more concerned with God's words than men's. They were appreciative of the blessings of God before the blessings of men. Isn't John the Baptist, the man who would later say that 'no man can receive a thing in the realm of men unless it has been given freely from God?' How, then, is a man or woman who came to this world naked and will eventually return naked, thinking that he or she has the power to make and unmake a fellow human without thinking there is a greater power in play in his or her life?


Every person comes into this world with a complete book already written about their life. Many die without opening a page of that book because they failed to interact with their genuine Maker and Master. In contrast, some are fortunate to meet others who lead them to the King of Light, such as pastors, mentors, or friends who guide them along a path obscured by the darkness in the world. Some of these men or women who have helped others by leading them to the King of Light have failed to understand that it is an honour to be selected by God to be the man or woman through whom another encounters the kingdom of Light. We only help that person by leading them to the King of Light so they can get the Light needed to manoeuvre the darkness in this world while carefully opening the pages of their eternal book. If Christ is our Light, why do we take credit for His actions through us? Why do we think we need to share in the glory of God if the work was entirely orchestrated and performed by God?


It is a divine honour to help others recognize what God has destined them to be.

It is a divine honour to lead others to that ever-flowing river that is sustaining us.

So, why have you allowed the offence to take you away from your post?

Why does a sense of self-entitlement lead us to underestimate the immense responsibility we have received from God?

Why have we become so gratitude-thirsty that we have hindered a gift we have freely received from the Lord to help others boldly come before the throne of Grace to encounter the Grace of God from freely operating?

Why are you offended that all the people God has enabled you to raise in His kingdom by His Grace and guidance are ungrateful to you and not to God?

Weren't we ungrateful when we ignored the blood of Jesus and went about doing as the enemy led us?

Weren't we ungrateful when we refused to thank God for the numerous things He had done and was doing for us?


Man of God, Woman of God, Boy of God, Girl of God, Spiritual father/mother, Senior Usher/Protocol Officer, Sunday School Teacher, let go of that self-entitlement and return to your post immediately. How you feel has nothing to do with the will of God concerning a generation. Your ego is killing millions in the kingdom of Light. Your ego is making your gift a dangerous weapon against the kingdom of Light instead of darkness. Offense because of the lack of gratitude is burying many in the kingdom of God. We are losing a great army to the kingdom of darkness because of the offence you have buried in your heart. Your Light has become darkness because of that offence, which we can notice in your so-called 'spiritual nuggets/quotes.' You have been teaching us with your pain, not the words of Christ.


Cleanse your heart, and let us move on with the Kingdom assignment!

Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in Christ.

Sunday, August 13, 2023



I live in a community where every house has a water reservoir (PolyTank) because of some water situation that has been in existence for God knows how long. We mostly expect water on Wednesdays and Thursdays, then we have to wait patiently until the following week for water to flow through our taps again. Until the following week, it is a must or wise to use the water stored in the reservoir proportionally. If not, you would have to spend extra money to buy water. In other words, it is understanding that makes one cultivate the act of water rationing for the five to six days of no water.

For the days that the water runs through my tap, I shower at the slightest sight or thought of sweat on my body (I waste water like a newborn baby awaiting mummy while left alone in the bathing tub). Then, for days without water, I am wise to only bathe twice a day—in the morning and before bedtime. One Sunday I got home from church very tired and in need of a cold shower, but knowing very well that the tap was not flowing, I ignored the thought of an afternoon shower and continued with whatever I had to do. All I could do was wait until it was dark to take a shower before going to bed. While I stood in the kitchen fetching water from the bucket I keep in the kitchen for cooking to wash some dishes, my friend walked in and opened the tap to fill the water kettle with water so he could heat some water to take his bath. Out of shock and feeling stupid, I questioned him like a thief under interrogation. "Why didn’t you tell me that the tap is flowing with water? Didn’t you know that I wanted to bathe?" I asked. He gave an answer that became the foundation for my discussion with the Holy Spirit that night. "I noticed it was flowing when I tried to open the tap in the bathroom," he said.

 While praying that evening, I decided to use the washroom, and the Holy Spirit brought up that scenario with my friend. He then asked, "Can you imagine the number of blessings or gifts you haven’t allowed to flow into and through your vessel only because you have refused to try to open the tap? How would you know a gift or blessing you have consistently prayed for or have been gifted with hasn’t been given to you or doesn’t work if you haven’t tried to use it? If you haven’t tried to pray for the sick, hoping for healing, how would you know that you have the gift of healing? If you haven’t tried to tell that friend or stranger what you are sensing about him or her while with him or her, how would you know that you have the gift of prophecy, a word of knowledge, or a word of wisdom? If you haven’t prayed over a matter without ceasing while hoping for an answer, how would you know that God answers prayers? If you haven’t tried to teach the word of God, how would you know that you have the gift of teaching? How would you know if you haven’t tried it?"

"In Matthew chapter ten, didn't the Lord give the disciples power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and disease? Wasn't it in their doing that the disciples knew that whatever Jesus had said they had received was exactly so? This story is even clearer in Luke chapter 10, in which we see them return happy because the devils obeyed them. If they hadn’t tried it, they wouldn’t have found out the unique power resting on and in their lives because of Jesus Christ. Try to open your tap! I am not asking you to fake it until you make it. I am asking you to put into practice whatever you are praying for, have been praying for, or have been gifted with, because when you ask the Father what He has placed on your heart, He has already answered. Try to open your tap and let whatever must flow into and out of the vessel freely do so," He added.

My fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord, as you begin this week, I pray that the Lord of Grace will grant you the needed grace to try to open whatever tap must be opened in your life in whatever season you find yourself in now, in Jesus’ name.

Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in His Son, Jesus Christ.




Tuesday, June 23, 2020


John 18:38 (TLB)
“WHAT IS TRUTH?” Pilate exclaimed. Then he went out again to the people and told them, “He is not guilty of any crime.”

Growing up as a Christian, one thing I have had to battle with constantly is “faith statements” or “prophetic declarations.” Then, each time I stood my grounds to make such assertions, I always hear an annoyingly loud voice in my head commanding me to stop joking and be realistic like every other normal human being walking the earth. And each time I try to make a case for the declarations, the voice begins to present facts both in audio and visual forms.
For example, the pastor leads us to declare: “I am not poor; I am rich. I will not die untimely; I will live long. I am not a failure; I am a success. I am not cursed; I am blessed beyond measure in Christ. etc.” The minute we take our seats after those powerful declarations, I will hear that annoyingly loud voice saying, “You are rich yet you are hungry and don’t have a job. You will live long yet you are sick and that sickness according to statistics is killing people faster than you think. You are a success yet everything you touch fails. You are blessed beyond measure yet people can’t stand your presence because of the bad luck you carry.” And each statement is backed with a good picture of a current or past situation in my life that makes me eventually accept the reality/truth presented.
And this happens to be the current situation/challenge many Christians are facing in their Christian walk today. 

When the subject of truth comes to play in the life of a Christian, there is but One (John 1:17/14:6); He came in the form of a man, walked on this earth, was crucified, died, was buried, but He resurrected on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of God, the Father. His name is JESUS! He is the Living Word of God. He is the Light of the World. He is the Living Bread. He is the Living Water. Until a Christian fully accepts Him, that is, grants Him access into his/her life, his/her reality/truth will remain distorted for life. He/she will continue to walk in this world’s reality/truth instead of the reality/truth He came on this earth to present.

In His short life on this earth, He presented a snippet of the reality/truth the world would benefit from if it would only accept Him as the Son of God and believe in the only true God who sent Him.
He came to a world with various incurable sicknesses and diseases, yet He showed another where every sickness and disease has a cure (Matthew 4:23). He came to a world where demonic possession was a lifestyle; yet He showed another where demons trembled at His presence (Mark 1:23-26). He came to a world where fear was the only reaction when the elements of nature act up; yet He showed another where the elements of nature listen to its creator (Matthew 8:23-27). He came to a world where it was never possible to walk on water; yet He showed another where at His word and concentration on Him it was easy to do the same (Matthew 14:25-29). He came to a world where death was the end of life; yet He showed another where the dead could be brought back to life at His word (Matthew 9:23-25). He came to a world where one needed a year’s income to feed over five thousand people; yet He showed another where five loaves and two fishes were enough to overfeed over five thousand people (Matthew 14:15-21).
He lived in the same world, we live in today, yet walked in a different reality/truth. He listened to the facts, but He didn’t accept them as His reality/truth. He only believed in the reality/truth presented by His Heavenly Father.

Again, I ask, what is your reality/truth? What is real/factual to you? What the world is presenting as truth or what the Lord is presenting as truth according to His Living Word?
Yes, I heard you when you said you are sick or feeling pains. Yes, I have seen the doctor’s report. Yes, I have seen the X-ray of that cancer. Yes, I have seen the test results. Yes, I saw you hungry and helpless. Yes, I can see that the women in the family are barren. Yes, I can see the business going down the drain. Yes, I can see the landlady/landlord giving you the final eviction notice. Yes, I can see you in the wheelchair. Yes, I can see that the men in the family die at age 50. Yes, I can see that the arm is broken. Yes! I can see that you are addicted to that hard substance. Yes, I can see all of that.
What I am refusing to do is to accept the reality/truth you are presenting. All I see is the reality/truth Jesus keeps presenting to me through His Living Word. In His reality/truth, I can choose never to be sick. I can choose to live long. I can choose to have my body parts replaced if the need arises. I can choose to have my provision daily. I can choose to have every problem bow to its knee at the mention of His name. Those are His promises to me. And that is my reality as a child of God. I walk not by what I see, feel, taste, smell, or touch; I walk by what He says.

Yes, sometimes I felt I was stupid for saying things that were not as though they were. And truth be told, most times, that annoyingly loud voice made so much sense to me as compared to the other which kept encouraging me to keep speaking and trusting in those assertions. But each time I kept at those declarations, I felt that strong sense of painting a picture on a black canvas with black paint. I may not see what I am painting, but it doesn’t also mean I am not painting a picture. If a strong light should be provided, the painting would be visible. 
Blessed as we are, our Savior and Master is the Light of the World. Keep painting on the black canvas with the black paint you have, His Light will make it visible at the right time.

Remain in the blessings of the Lord as you remain in Christ.

In the Gospel of John chapter eighteen verse twenty-eight downwards, we see Jesus being escorted to Pilate’s palace for His trial. After Pilate questions His accusers, Pilate takes Jesus aside to have a tete-a-tete. During that short conversation which was to ascertain the veracity of Him being the “King of the Jews,” Pilate ends the conversation with a rhetorical question – WHAT IS TRUTH? And this was after Jesus had said this to him, “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.”
From that statement, Pilate found his truth. It, therefore, came as no surprise to me when he boldly posted a sign over Jesus reading, “JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” When asked by the chief priests to change it, Pilate made this bold statement, “WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN, I HAVE WRITTEN. IT STAYS EXACTLY AS IT IS.” (John 19:19-22)

Learn from Pilate. Learn to stick to the realities/truths you find after interacting with the Living Word.

My Heavenly Father, grant me the grace to stand my grounds when it comes to what you have declared as my realities/truths in your Living Word in Jesus' name.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


Malachi 3:6 (TLB)
“For I am the LordI DO NOT CHANGE. That is why you are not already utterly destroyed, for my mercy endures forever.

Who came up with this “Old Testament God” versus “New Testament God” balderdash? Who is making you think the God you are worshipping today has transitioned or changed in some way to meet your standard or come to your “level” as some will put it? Who is filling your head with such messages? Why are you believing that a mere human whose intellectual prowess is as minute as a grain of sand at the seashore or as a droplet of water in an ocean if it should ever be compared to that of God?

There has been, there is and forever will be one God in the universe. He is the Creator of the Heavens and the earth. He alone owns the intellectual property rights to every single thing we see, feel, smell, hear, and taste. He alone is the great provider. He alone is the great protector. He alone is the great revelator. He alone is the great warrior. He alone is the great judge. He alone is the truth, mercy, grace, wisdom, etc. He alone is who He says He is. He alone is God.

God has not changed and God will never change. The same God who opened the mouth of the earth to swallow offenders is the same God who gave His only Son as a sin offering for sinners to be made right with Him. He is the same God who has created hell for those who will not accept His Son and live as He has stated. And He is also the same God who has created heaven for those who would accept His Son and live to please Him.

The same “Old testament God” who many have tagged as wicked and heartless because of certain bible stories handpicked to affirm some bias notion is the same “New Testament God” they have tagged as loving, caring, or kind.
But, if you think the “Old Testament God” was not loving, caring or kind, please consider only the book of Hosea and let’s have a conversation.


Remain in the blessings of the Lord as you remain in Christ.

PICTURE THIS: The same God who drove His Creation from the Garden of Eden for disobeying a direct order was the same God kind enough to clothe them before their departure. 
Throughout the old testament, this “Old Testament God” who has been tagged as wicked and heartless is the same God who has been screaming for His Creation to return to the same Eden, He drove them from. Which wicked and heartless being would ever do that?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Luke 7:47 (GNT)              
I tell you, then, the great love she has shown proves that her many sins have been forgiven. But whoever has been forgiven little shows only a little love.

Have you ever had that one friend who is always finding a new way to show appreciation for something you are even shy to talk about because to you, it was no big deal? For example, that friend needed one hundred Ghana cedis badly and you, at the moment he/she was asking, had ten thousand Ghana cedis so giving that one hundred Ghana cedis meant nothing to you. Yet for some strange reason, that friend is so touched about that kind gesture that each time he/she meets you, he/she wants everyone to know what you did and how he/she appreciates it. It may not have been money; it could have been that clothing or gadget you didn’t want or thought was useless. To you it was nothing, yet it meant the world to him/her. And to show his/her appreciation, he/she keeps saying it every time and everywhere. 

The truth is, the value of a gift is not determined by the giver but by the recipient. How he/she reacts shows how grateful or ungrateful he/she is for that particular gift or kind gesture.  And that is the case of this woman who had come to meet Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Luke 7:36-50). 
The first thing you should know about this woman and this man is that the woman was a known sinner in the city and the man a reputable servant of God in that same city. That is, she was known in the whole of Accra or Tema or Takoradi or Kumasi as a sinner. I mean, every single person – baby, boy, girl, woman, man, grandpa and grandma – knew about her and her licentious activities. She was a “famous sinner”. And this famous sinner had the audacity to enter the house of an eminent and esteemed Man of God in that same city who was hosting Jesus. 

According to the passage, this “famous sinner” came into the house holding an alabaster box of ointment - the modern equivalent of the most expensive perfume. When she got into the house of Simon the Pharisee, she knelt behind Jesus at his feet, weeping, with her tears falling down upon his feet; and she wiped them off with her hair. She kissed his feet and then poured the perfume on them. While this was going on, Simon the Pharisee made this strong statement to the hearing of all present, “This proves that Jesus is no prophet, for if God had really sent Him, He would know what kind of woman this one is!” If Simon the Pharisee had known that Jesus was sent by God to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21), he wouldn’t have made that irrational statement. But reading the passage and knowing Jesus, He had the right response to keep Simon the Pharisee thinking. According to Jesus, the very things the “famous sinner” did to Him the time she had the opportunity to meet Him were the exact things Simon the Pharisee refused to do to Him when He entered his house though it was customary.

This clearly represents two types of Christians: the one who had to find Jesus, and the one who had Jesus all along
Most of the Christians we see today who are zealously worshipping the Lord in truth like they have no other option(s) are those who had tried it all. They thought happiness was in a fat bank account, highest academic achievement, luxurious properties, a green alcoholic bottle, the ends of a wrapped paper, between the legs of a woman, watching naked bodies, stealing the hard sweat of others, killing, among many others. At their darkest moment when they thought all was lost, they heard of Jesus. They did all they could to meet Him. And when they did, like the “famous sinner”, they gave their all to show their appreciation to this wonderful man who also gave up everything to reconcile them with their Heavenly Father.
The other Christian who had Jesus all along is the one who may have been introduced to God and church activities very early. He/she may have had Christian parents or siblings or relatives who made it difficult to miss a church meeting or a Christian gathering. Like Simon the Pharisee, most of these people haven’t yet found the value of Jesus in their lives. To him/her, Jesus is like any other prophet/guest and must be treated as such. To him/her, getting Jesus to come around is no big deal so why make a special occasion out of it. And to these people, Jesus says, “I tell you, then, the great love she has shown proves that her many sins have been forgiven. But whoever has been forgiven little shows only a little love.”

In other words, how our love for God or our worship grows cold or remains constant is dependent on how big/small we saw our sins when we met Jesus. 
For Christians who were like the "famous sinner", they know how big their sins were because they had been judged by the world and by the Word of God. These were the adulterers, fornicators, murderers, serial killers, rapists, armed robbers, terrorists, homosexuals, among others. In the eyes of the world, such people must have no place in society. For this Christian, the gift of Jesus still means the world to him/her. If not for Jesus, he/she would have been lost forever. To that, he/she would do anything to remind him/herself of what Jesus has done for him/her and to also tell others like him/herself who would benefit immensely from Him. 
For Christians who are/were like Simon the Pharisee, they have been living a morally upright life from the very day they were born. Their biggest sin could have been a lie to have a candy or to take the juice from the fridge without telling mum or dad. In the eyes of the world, their little errors change nothing in society because their several good actions outshine those little errors. To this Christian, please carefully consider the next paragraph.

We are not sinners because we committed a sin. No! We are sinners because we are of Adam. The day we accepted Jesus Christ, we were instantly made right with God and were translated from the kingdom of darkness (satan) to the kingdom of light (God). Though most of the people who give their all to worship and serve God in truth are those who feel they were worthless and were on the highway to hell; the truth is, “Every Christian was once worthless and was headed for hell because he/she did not know Jesus Christ and had not accepted Him as his/her Savior and Lord.” It had nothing to do with what we were doing before we met Jesus; it had everything to do with what Adam did. 
If we didn't know Jesus Christ and should have lived a morally upright life before we died, we would have been in hell with the murderer we hated so much for mass killing.

If we can come to understand that we were all on the highway to hell irrespective of the lives we lived before meeting JESUS, our love for God would never diminish. We will keep finding new ways to show our appreciation each day for the gift of JESUS.

Remain in the blessings of the Lord as you remain in Christ.