Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In the book of Luke, chapter 15, our Lord Jesus shares three powerful parables. One had to do with the lost sheep out of a hundred which was later found by the owner, the lost coin out of ten which was also later found by the owner, and the last but not the least being the lost son out of two who was later found by His Father.
Reading this chapter of Luke, one can accept or agree that the Kingdom of God is more of a “Search Organization” whose joy is dependent on its ability to find the lost and not the fact that it is an organization.

For example, Fanmilk Ghana was not primarily set up to create jobs for the unemployed as it does; it was created to produce specific products which are sold purposefully for profit. Though it is creating a solution to a national problem, if it doesn’t fulfill its primary objective, it would not be able to sustain this secondary solution (creation of employment) it has brought. Concentrating on the secondary and yet ignoring the primary always results in the collapse of the established company.
And that is gradually unfolding in the Church today. The Church is not meant to be a static organization or being who is fully concentrated on him/herself but one fully dedicated to the “Lost & Found” system as the Father is. Like the characters described in Luke 15 by Jesus Christ, THE FATHER’S DESIRE is to find the LOST

Reading Luke chapter 15 verse 11 to verse 32, I was forced to find an interest in the elder brother described in the book by our Lord and Master Jesus. I believe our Lord Jesus was trying to describe a group of people the church today is slowly imitating unaware of the dangers he stands to face. And these are the Pharisees and Scribes who took offense that Christ was receiving/entertaining publicans and sinners (Luke 15:1-2).

In the Parable of the Lost Son, we are introduced to a wealthy family of three – a father and two sons. At some point in their life, the younger brother is believed to have asked his father to give him his portion of the inheritance. We cannot tell if he was scared that, his father was immortal or he may die before his father. For some weird reason, he just wanted to have his inheritance and start something on his own. (Let us imagine Prince Charles asking Queen Elizabeth to abdicate so he can be a King before he dies.)
Anyway, his father agreed and freely gave him his portion of the inheritance. As the story progresses, we are told how he left home and squandered the inheritance with no investment. The once rich man who had it all became a poor boy with nothing to eat except the food he fed the swine he was looking after. 
Back at home, we see the Father of this young man, who was now living miserably, waiting patiently for his son. All the Father did, day and night, was to hope for the day his son would walk back the same road he used when he left home. For the elder brother, he went about his father’s other business – he was busy in the field. He failed to recognize the true heart desire of his father.
The story takes a different turn when the young man realizes an important fact – Though he was now poor, dejected, rejected, and hungry, he was still the child of a rich man. To this, he prepares a beautiful speech for his father and begins his journey home.

As usual, the father was watching but this time his heart desire came to pass. He saw his son from afar heading towards the house. Like a couple who have been in a long-distance relationship for years seeing each other for the first time, the father runs out to welcome this very son who disrespected him by asking for his portion of his inheritance and now returning after being heavily beaten by life. Instead of the father lambasting him, he hugged and kissed him like a newly born child.
The young man quickly tries to make use of his father’s compassion to ask for employment, but to his surprise, his father treats him like a son who has only returned from a stressful journey which almost cost his life. 
But, this beautiful picture is almost trashed when the elder brother comes back from his usual fieldwork to be told that the sound of celebration he hears and is asking about is from the party his father has organized for his younger brother who has finally returned home.

Do you know that, according to the Bible, this elder brother was ready to stay out of his father’s house because of the pain he had against his younger brother? Did you notice that though his father made a point of him having all the inheritance and the importance of him accepting the return of his brother, the story never said that he finally went into his father’s house? (Luke 15:25-32)

Anyway, I believe Jesus Christ, through the above parable and the others in Luke chapter, spoke directly to the publicans and sinners, and also to the Pharisees and the Scribes.

To the publicans and sinners, that is the younger brother out there who feels rejected, dejected, poor, and spiritually hungry, Jesus Christ is saying, “Your Heavenly Father is still here looking for you. Just make the journey back home. Make that decision to go back and he will be there to welcome you this very minute. He doesn’t care about the mistakes but he surely cares about what you have been through. He is ready for your return. He wants you to know that you are still a child of the Most High God. And He truly loves you as you are.”

To the Pharisees and the Scribes, the judgmental church who is comfortable being the only one in the Father's house, that is the elder son, I believe Jesus is saying, “Instead of being judgmental, concentrate on the father’s desire to find your lost brothers, and not just working the field. Be like Jesus, the apostles, etc, go out there and remind your lost brother of his father’s love. Do not just talk about the Father's love to him, demonstrate it to him. It is about time we take our cross. It is about time we start focusing on the main assignment. Many will hate you, but one thing is sure, your inheritance is still intact with the Father. Stop being angry and bitter at the error of your younger brothers. Go out there and find them.”

Remain in the blessings of the Lord as you remain in Christ.

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