Tuesday, November 12, 2019


"I walk a path that will definitely lead to my death, but the thought of that particular death makes that path attractive than ever. I will prefer to die living for God, than for a man or myself." 

I used to think about death and shiver and quiver like a fish brought out of water. And each time I asked myself:
Why fear death as a believer if my home is not this place but above?
Why fear death as a believer if my life is in the hands of God, and only He can do as He pleases with it?
Why fear death as a believer if truly the one living in me is far greater than he who moves about the earth like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour?
Why fear death as a believer if the God I serve is truly the giver of life?
Why fear death as a believer if I am a product of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah?
Why fear death as a believer?

The truth is this: We fear death because truly our hearts are not on the things above. Unlike Apostle Paul, we are afraid to die because we know deep down within us we still wish to enjoy certain privileges and things of this earth before dying. We have not driven that Mercedes, that Range Rover, that Bugatti, that Chrysler, that Toyota, that Bentley, etc. We have not bought that mansion, we have not traveled to that country, we have not enjoyed this or that. And until we do that, most of us are not ready to think or talk about death.

Some deceive themselves that they are afraid to die because they have not completed their mission. For a few it may be true, but how can you complete a mission you have no idea of? How can you complete a mission you have no interest in? How can you complete a mission you have not enquired about? Again, the answer is this: Our hearts are on things below, not things above. It has nothing to do with your mission on earth Mr. and Mrs. Believer, it has everything to do with the content of your heart.

Colossians 3:2 (KJV)
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Others are quick to say that they cannot and must not die now because God is the giver of a long life. That is true. But what is a long life in the sight of God? A long life before God has little to do with the length of days as men see it today. It has everything to do with your kingdom's achievements on earth. It has everything to do with your mission being accomplished successfully on earth. Enoch lived 365years and Methuselah lived 969years, yet Enoch was remembered for his walk with God. We know nothing about Methuselah on the other hand. We mostly believe that John the Baptist and Jesus died prematurely or died too young, but what else must they do in a foreign world after completing their mission when they have a better place awaiting their arrival? Deacon Stephen never feared death and by the end of Acts chapter seven (7) gave himself for the truth he held in his heart and cherished above his life. Apostle Paul was never afraid to die because he knew where he would be and was more than ready to get there quickly.

2 Corinthians 5:8 (KJV)
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

It is the same for the many young men and women who gave themselves up for the truth they cherished. But that can't be said of most believers today. Why? We have set our eyes on the things below than on the things above. We will do anything to keep our lives so we can fully enjoy our many lustful desires.

Matthew 10:39 (KJV)
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

I am only thinking aloud. I should end here.
Stay blessed!

Lord, help my unbelief. Help me trust you when there is no hope. Help me trust in your perfect plan for my life always in Jesus' name.