Wednesday, November 27, 2024



A well-renowned minister of God was asked or led to pray for a woman who once served a wealthy royal family in one of those monarchical states. According to the story, he got into this dilapidated house only to find this woman who had been serving one of the women from this royal family lying in bed, very sick. But what surprised him was that, while looking around, he noticed a document framed and hanging on the wall at one side of the room. Looking at the woman’s state and the house where she lived, he couldn’t understand why the document was framed and hanging on the wall. From his little interaction with the woman, he noticed she was illiterate—she couldn’t read—although she could speak properly. He asked the woman if he could look at the framed document at home. She smiled and nodded in approval, then told him that it was a gift she received from the royal family member she served for half a century before she died.

Although the man of God couldn’t believe what he saw and heard simultaneously, he had to do what he was asked to and take the framed document home. Getting home, he took the framed document to some authorities to verify the authenticity of what he thought was worth more than he had in mind. The authorities confirmed the authenticity of the document, to his amazement. This woman, who was living a wretched life, had inherited wealth enough to transform her and her entire generation, and yet she had kept it as a framed picture that gave her goosebumps memory of her wonderful boss. Although the man of God helped her get her inheritance and prayed for her healing, the story got me thinking of the years she had lived from the day she got hold of that letter or document from whoever she got it from.

Let’s dramatise the first day she got the document from a family member, friend, or solicitor. The person hands over the letter or document in a sealed envelope and tells her that the woman she had faithfully served for half of her life had requested that she be given this as an appreciation. Although mourning the death of a wonderful woman who would call on her each time she was alone in her quarters to chat with her, make her laugh, cry with her, etc., she could also remember the numerous help and gifts she had received from her. She remembers the shoes, dresses, jewellery and monetary parcels she got as a surprise gift or an appreciation for an act she was already being paid to do. “What can this woman want to add after all these wonderful years of service? If all she wants to say is a “thank you” in a letter, why don’t I frame it knowing I cannot read it?” she may have said while holding the letter. While quickly going to get a frame to immortalise this beautiful letter she had received from the best boss, she may have met friends or loved ones who could have read the letter to her. Still, she didn’t think they were worthy enough to look, touch or even read a royal letter from an outstanding royal member.

Many would have thought her mad to be smiling while walking briskly to go and buy this frame when her boss was buried not long ago, but she knew she wasn’t obligated by any law to make people understand this joy she was feeling after weeks of mourning this precious soul. She eventually got the best frame in town, got home and carefully placed the letter. Contemplating whether to put the frame in her hall or bedroom, she finally decided on her bedroom so her visitors wouldn’t use those evil prying eyes to look at it and eventually destroy it in the name of “it was a mistake.” She sang one of the songs she had been singing with her each time she tried to make her relax with a body massage and headed to her room. She stops at the entrance and scans the room, thinking of the best spot. She couldn’t see it if she placed it at the head of the bed. If she places it close to the window, she must always turn to admire it, and if anything happens, it can easily be destroyed. Then she got the best spot—the wall at the edge of her bed. At least, each morning and evening, she could wake up seeing it, climb out of bed seeing it, walk to the bathroom and back seeing it, and eventually come back to bed seeing it. She smiled as she hung it and stood a few metres away to admire it.

I don’t know why I am writing this, but I know you know what I will discuss. For some people, you have either been told this story or a story similar to this or even read the actual account from the source, so for some reason, this feels like a worn-out fable. You could be thinking; I should find another story next time and stop “biting” the works of others because you are sick of this or that, but the truth is that you are feeling or thinking these thoughts because you know one way or another, as a Christian you are the perfect replica of that “naive” woman. I know you know what Jesus did for you while he walked this earth, suffered the unfair justice system, hung on that cross naked, his burial, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension to heaven. You know because you have heard it preached, taught and dramatised wherever you go. It is nothing new to you. You can even preach and teach those stories without needing the Bible because you have memorised it since childhood. But my question is one: HOW HAS IT HELPED YOU? Knowledge can eventually be poisonous to its hearer when it cannot be applied to their benefit.

Jesus gave us a document to make us aware of all He has done for us. What are we doing with the document and that knowledge? The man of God saw the document in the woman’s room, sent it to the authorities to verify and then went through the necessary steps to get the woman her inheritance. What are you doing to lay hold of your inheritance and enjoy every single minute bit of it? Can you imagine the number of days, weeks or months that this woman stood anywhere in her house reminiscing about the help she could have had if her boss had been alive each time she was going through some form of hardship? Yet, hanging at the end of the bed each day and night was the answer to all her past, present, and future problems. All this happened to her because she didn’t care to find out the letter’s content and what she could do to receive whatever the letter stated was her portion. Why are you immortalising the great gift of an immortal when He left eternity into time to make time worth our while before we meet Him in eternity? Why?! Why are you admiring the Word of God and not reading and studying it for yourself? Why are you not applying every nugget Wisdom is making available to you each time you spend time reading and studying His Word with prayers and fastings? Why?!

If Jesus did and went through all that only for photo-op so we could hang that photo in our hearts, how “foolish” and meaningless was that shame and eventual victory for the son of God? If all we needed was a good picture of Jesus, He could have taken the best picture in the best places in heaven and “holyghosttooth” it to our hearts without leaving His glorious throne into time to go through all He went through with His creation.

How are you silent with all this power and victory at our beck and call?

How are you going to war against generational issues, and you are thinking you will lose when Jesus had won that battle centuries ago and has been waiting for you to enforce the victory in the family?

How do you not see that you are genuinely in eternal warfare yet facing opponents stripped of all their armour? I mean, you are on a battlefield with all types of the latest armour with an infinite number of nuclear weapons to face a loud enemy whose only weapon is the ugly paint that makes them look horrible and nothing else. Do you understand “nothing else”? The enemy doesn’t even have a “pocket knife” on this battlefield to brag about. Here you stand on this battlefield, and when the enemy opens its dirty, stinking mouth to shout, you are running helter-skelter seeking protection. Ah! Ah! Who bewitched you? 

How is a lion running because a cat meow?

Can’t you see that all the warfare you have been born in the body of Christ to face in that family, community, country or continent has been rigged in your favour before you were born or thought of by your parents? Who told you that God can make you win some battles and make you lose some battles? Which demonic voice made that sink into your heart? Why did you also allow that lie to sink into your heart? You are greater than the Israelites who lived under the covenant of the blood of bulls and goats. Of course, losing and winning some battles during their covenant was okay because they had to renew their covenant each year with the blood of a new set of animals. Failure to renew the covenant could mean anything good or bad to them; that can’t be our portion or identity. The day we lose a battle on the grounds of what Christ has already done for us with His precious Holy blood, we have every right to call our faith a scam. The blood of Jesus is the only blood that washed all our sins and doesn’t need to be renewed every year, decade, or century. The potency of the blood of Jesus when it was first shed has and will never reduce today or tomorrow, no matter what we do or say.

Why are you silent?

Why have you allowed the enemy to turn the battlefield into a playground?

Why do you look gloomy and depressed when you have all it takes to take back the grounds lost in the family to the enemy?

Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in Christ.


Tuesday, November 26, 2024


It isn’t a sign of humility for Christians to talk down on themselves in the name of “sounding humble.”
Humility in the kingdom of light has everything to do with talking and walking in the consciousness of one’s identity in Christ. Rejecting false humility is not only encouraged, but it is also a crucial step in embracing your true identity in Christ.

It is a sign of pride for Christians to think less of themselves in the name of being “humble” in the sense of men. It is the direct opposite in the kingdom of light. In the kingdom of light, it is prideful to think you are cursed. It is prideful to think you are oppressed. It is prideful to think you are unrighteous. It is prideful to think you are undeserving of the Grace of God. It is prideful to think it is okay for you to suffer at the hands of the devil for things you have done in the past. It is prideful to think you are not loved by God. It is prideful to think you are not God’s perfect creation. It is prideful to think you have to do all there is to make God love you. It is prideful to think you cannot be used by God. You are proud!

Nothing is “humble” about that in the kingdom of light. You are outrightly rejecting everything our Heavenly Father has said concerning you in Christ. To say that is to call God a liar and to claim you are the God of your life.

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, knowing who you are in Christ is significant in this faith journey. If a man or woman proudly possessed by demons can boast of their useless abilities with the help of a demonic spirit, how much more you that have been bought with the blood of Jesus and transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light? How much more you who have been placed in a seat far, far above all spiritual powers, dominions and principalities? How much more you who carry God? How much more you who have the Spirit of God? How much more you, who the Son of God died for? How much more you who carry the life of God? How much more you who are surrounded by a company of angels and spirits of just men? How much more?

We live in a world where each member of a particular kingdom is backed by absolute trust in their identity and authority in the kingdom in which they find themselves. The one who persists in finding knowledge—be it light or darkness—will always succeed over the other. The One in the kingdom of light will always be victorious based on the amount of light they have encountered in their interaction with Wisdom through prayer and the study of the Word. The One in the kingdom of darkness will also succeed based on their interaction with demons who will indoctrinate them with lies that would make them believe they are super powerful. The man or woman who is always conscious of their identity in their respective kingdoms will make exploits wherever they find themselves. I mean, wherever they find themselves, it will be based on the knowledge they have gotten from the depths of their interactions with their master. But be rest assured that the first-time Christian who basically understands that they have been bought and transferred because of the sacrifice of the Son of God, who shed His blood for that trade, is far more dangerous than the man in the kingdom of darkness. No demon, and not even Satan, can stand the presence of a man with such understanding and consciousness of it. This man knows the value of the blood of the Son of God, which is enough threat to the kingdom of darkness. This sounds weird and strange to you because you have refused to spend time with Wisdom studying His Word through prayer and fasting.

Why are you, therefore, rejecting the Word of God? Why are you finding it challenging to spend time with the person who is the key to your life? Why are you so comfortable in your ignorance? Why have you allowed the enemy to mock your victory when you should be mocking his defeat? Why isn’t the enemy packing their bags from your vicinity but building a luxurious apartment and welcoming more agents of darkness because of your silence? Why are you rejecting the truth of your victory in Christ? Why are you rejecting that you are righteous because you have Christ in you? Why?!

You don’t know? Are you claiming that you don’t know?

Why don’t you know Christ is your gift of righteousness, not you? Why don’t you know that you have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus? Why don’t you know that you have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to light? Why don’t you know you are comfortably seated in the kingdom of light? Why don’t you know that it is your decision to stay the way you are because you have chosen not to make use of your victory in Christ? Why don’t you know that you are the solution wherever you find yourself because Christ is in you and Christ in God? Why don’t you know? It is simply because you have rejected God’s Word and held high the frivolous wisdom of mortal men. You have finally made the “good words of men” become your reality while the Word of God sounds archaic or foolish in your hearing.

What has drawn you so far from the Word of God?

Why have you fallen for the deceit of the serpent?

Who has bewitched you?

Your faith in Christ is as valid as the truth you have encountered in your walk with Him, the true Wisdom—Christ!

Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in Christ.


Monday, November 25, 2024



A popular notion that has been accepted as a joke among Christians yet a poisonous thought in our hearts is the statement: “Even when Jesus walked this earth, He didn’t do it all.” This saying, which may sound familiar to those conversant with the Akan language, is often used as a joke. However, what we fail to understand with such expensive jokes is the fact that when an ignorant man hears it without understanding it as a “mere joke”, it becomes a foundation for the kingdom of darkness to build vital demonic doctrines that will eventually destroy the listener. How can the lie that Jesus didn’t do it all become a “joke” that amuses the Christian? How is the Christian able to open their mouth to spew out this lie and think it is funny?

John 19:28-30 (NKJV)

[28] After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!”

[29] Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth.

[30] So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

The above passage is your answer for those wondering where it was stated that JESUS had accomplished all things. Everything prophesied by the saints of old—be it Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, etc.—was performed to perfection by Jesus before He could boldly shout the words, “IT IS FINISHED!”

Brothers and sisters, I know you have been told to suffer to accomplish all things as Jesus did, but I want to give you another perspective on what you thought your shepherd said.

1 Samuel 17:45-47 (NKJV)

[45] Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

[46] This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.

[47] Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD’s, and He will give you into our hands.”

In the above passage, which happens to be the last words of David to Goliath before his death, David, again by the Spirit, makes available a simple truth—“NO CHILD OF GOD CAN WALK VICTORIOUS WITHOUT THE LORD’S INTERVENTION.” David was trying to make Goliath understand that the victory he would celebrate over his dead body would only be possible because the Lord had already given him Goliath. This story of David and Goliath serves as a powerful illustration of the truth that our victory, like David’s, is ultimately the Lord’s. The Lord has already given us victory over every possible problem that can be orchestrated by the smartest demon or occult power to exist today, tomorrow or centuries to come. Wait! Didn’t you read what David added, “The battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.”

If you need clarification at this point, then you are following. I want you to know that even David, a man under the covenant of the blood of bulls and goats, was the one who shared this insight. He understood the power he wielded as a choice member of the nation of God. If God says that victory is his, then victory is his. How much more you who is of the covenant of the blood of Jesus?

Fellow brothers and sisters, it is ignorance that would make a Christian think that it is okay to suffer for the very things that Christ has won and freely given to them. Jesus’s last words are His last words to every battle that every Christian born today, in years to come, will encounter. Am I saying the Christian is meant to be silent? No! Christians have every right and boldness to stand against anyone who wants to override their victory in Christ.

Let’s not forget what David did after making it clear to Goliath that he would be victorious. The Bible states that David began to run towards the tall, ugly thing that was scaring the whole nation of God, Israel, and the supposed strong anointed king.

Why are you running away from those family issues that have been sponsored by demonic powers over centuries when Jesus won the battle thousands of years ago?

Who told you to go and try to win the war? How are you trying to win a battle already won centuries ago?

Who deceived you into believing the lie that your long hours of prayers, several times of protruded fastings, daily Bible study, and series of praise and worship are the reasons why you would or have won a generation battle?

Who bewitched you?

What has clouded your mind?

Your Bible study, fasting, prayers, worship and praises have been keys to making you decrease so the Lord will persistently increase His authority and glory in your life. Who said that the enemy is afraid of you, a mere mortal made with clay and exists in time? The enemy is scared of the GOD who has made an abode in you, not you, the man who was once his humble slave. If your fasting, Bible study, prayers, worship, praises and giftings make you feel powerful instead of the GOD in you taking the glory, please renew your mind. Our victory is found in one person, JESUS, and the man or woman who has had intimacy with Him will always testify of His signs and wonders in and around their life.

Barrenness, madness, homosexuality, lesbianism, corruption, lying, depression, joblessness, poverty, spiritual ignorance, occultic powers, witchcraft, and demonic manipulations, among many others, all ended on the cross of Jesus. He ended their reign in the lives of His children the very moment He said, “IT IS FINISHED.” Why are you now allowing the things God defeated to conquer you again? How is a master now a slave to an enslaved person? How is Goliath now jubilating over David’s dead body? Who rewrote history?

Colossians 2:14-15 (TPT)

[14] He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation.

[15] Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his!

How is the shrill voice of a chained toothless bulldog causing you to partake in a 100m race you haven’t been tasked with? (…to be continued)

Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in Christ.



The only spiritual ranking or mark a Christian needs to disrupt the works of the kingdom of darkness is the person and name, JESUS.

Years ago, I heard a preacher use Acts chapter 19, verses 11 to 20, to discuss spiritual ranking when dealing with demonic powers. Per his teaching, Christians have no right to confront a demon if they haven't attained some level of maturity in the faith because the demon could overpower them, which sometimes could lead to their death if care isn't taken. He added that this was the reason for the particular office of the pastor, teacher, Apostle, Evangelist, and Prophet. Even with the offices, he stated that certain offices could only venture into the deliverance ministry if they had empowered themselves enough to deal with such issues.

Truth be told, that message was the beginning of my fear of the deliverance ministry. If we are in a church or a Christian gathering and I see a person begin to manifest, I will distance myself with the excuse that I wasn't at the right level to handle such issues. I didn't need to know the age of the demon manifesting through that person; per what I have heard, no demon came into being the very day I was born to be my agemate. I will quickly find a new space and continue with the excellent work of listening to whatever the man of God was preaching or continuing the prayer session in "peace." It even became so intense that I didn't even want to pray for anybody because I didn't want to touch the "best friend" of a demon mistakenly. (For some, this may sound funny or silly; for others, I am speaking about your problem.)

Let's dramatise the book of Acts, chapter 19, verses 11 to 20. Apostle Paul found his way to Ephesus, and, by God's mercies, he could teach the Word of God with signs and wonders in two years. While signs and wonders were becoming the norm among these groups of Christians, some ignorant people decided to use the fame to cast out demons from those afflicted. Now, the Bible makes it very clear that those who had this unfortunate encounter were sons of a man called Sceva, who was a Jewish priest. If they were followers of Paul or members of the faith, the Bible would have stated that for a better context. But the fact that it wasn't stated means that they weren't Christians. In other words, they hadn't accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour; they only knew the person Jesus based on what was happening around the followers of the Apostle Paul. They didn't know Jesus based on any revelation. They had, in one way or another, heard Apostle Paul passionately preaching about Jesus and going ahead after those preaching to command out evil spirits and heal those at the service with the same name of Jesus.

Acts 19:13, 15 (NKJV)

[13] Then, some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, "We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches."

[15] And the evil spirit answered and said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; BUT WHO ARE YOU?"

The evil spirit said nothing about the spiritual ranking of Apostle Paul in that utterance. All it said was, "Jesus, I know, and Paul, I know, but WHO ARE YOU?" It didn't ask them of their ranks. He didn't ask if they were colonels, generals, lieutenants or WOs in the kingdom of God. It only wanted to know their IDENTITY. In other words, which family or kingdom did they belong to in the spiritual realm? Were they of the kingdom of light or darkness? What gave them the audacity and impetus to sack them from their host? It had nothing to do with ranks. They were motivated to cast out this demon because they had seen how the followers of Paul could also preach the gospel of Jesus, healing and casting out demons with the name of Jesus without Paul. If ordinary followers could do it, why couldn't they do likewise since they were the sons of a priest?

Mark 16:15-18 (NKJV)

[15] And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

[16] He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

[17] And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;

[18] they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

I know you are conversant with the above scripture, but I want to inform you that you need to read it correctly. My failure to get this truth into my heart made it easy for that pastor's message to make me magnify demons instead of my identity in Jesus Christ. Jesus asked His followers to go into the world to preach the gospel of His saving grace to all people and stated that the person or people who believe and are baptised would be saved. Jesus adds that the way to notice the person or people who have believed in Him is by a few simple signs:

1. In Jesus' name, they will cast out demons.

2. In Jesus' name, they will speak with new tongues.

3. In Jesus' name, they will take up serpents.

4. In Jesus' name, if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them.

5. In Jesus' name, they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, if we are to go by the order of the list, many of us have jumped in the order and have ignored the most crucial key to the success of all these signs- the name of Jesus. We happily speak in new tongues, and the courageous few go out to lay hands on the sick so they can recover. But I want us to go by the order listed by our Lord and Master Jesus. In the order of things, the day a man or woman accepts the life of Christ and has been made aware of the power the name of Jesus carries, demons shouldn't find comfort in their presence. At the very juncture, if they should notice a demonic activity, they have all the backing and authority in the name of Jesus to frustrate that demon and get instant results. Brothers and sisters, I didn't say after speaking in tongues for six or thirty hours; I mean that very moment, because of their new identity as a child of the God of all creation, they have all the empowerment to cast out that demon. Do you remember what David said to the giant, Goliath?

1 Samuel 17:45 (NKJV)

[45] Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

Even David, under the covenant of the blood of bulls and goats, knew the secret to every battle between a Christian and the agents of darkness. He didn't go before that giant who had years of experience in the name of his numerous fasting, long hours of prayers, series of worship and praise sessions, giving, etc. He went before that thing, calling itself a giant and well-trained warrior in the name of the Lord.

Reading the book of Acts chapter 19, verses 11 to 20, I could trace the victories in the working of signs and wonders by the people of Ephesus based on the understanding that the Apostle Paul brought about their identity in Christ through his epistle. They knew and understood that they were seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name named, not only in this age but also in what is to come. They knew it, and that was their reality daily.

What is the issue that looks like a mountain or a giant before you? Can you take the challenge to boldly step into the place of prayer this week to confront it in the name of our Lord and Master, Jesus?

I can only assure you of victory because that name, JESUS, never failed in the life of any man or woman who has held onto it.

Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in Christ.