(Create or Join a Christian Community continuation)
1 Corinthians 1:11-13 (TPT)
[11] My dear brothers and sisters, I have a serious concern I need to bring up with you, for I have been informed by those of Chloe's house church that you have been destructively arguing among yourselves.
[12] Moreover, I need to bring this up because each of you is claiming loyalty to different preachers. Some are saying, "I am a disciple of Paul," or, "I follow Apollos," or, "I am a disciple of Peter the Rock," and some, "I belong only to Christ."
[13] However, let me ask you, is Christ divided up into groups? Did I die on the cross for you? At your baptism did you pledge yourselves to follow Paul?
During COVID-19, I sincerely couldn't stand the numerous church links I received from friends to join this teaching or that prayer meeting. It wasn't because I did not like or love a particular ministry or pastor but because my church also had online service, and I did not think it was right to abandon my online community to join another. For the few who persisted, I joined after our online service if theirs were still ongoing. Truthfully, the few services I joined blessed my life tremendously. A perfect example will be the online services of Pastor Enoch Boamah of CEYC Airport City. I cannot forget the numerous revelations and encounters I received during those ministrations. One that stood out for me was his teaching on Faith. From him, I understood that "Faith is not Vim." That first point scattered every understanding of Faith and led to my continuous study of the subject. I knew from that day that I needed to have grabbed in the spirit before I could speak publicly about anything. Be it anything I knew was my portion physically or spiritually, I needed to have spent time with God to have evidence in the spirit before coming out to speak of it. Based on that understanding, I knew my prayer session didn't have to end because I was tired. My prayer session had to end because I had encountered Wisdom, who had freely offered an answer or solution. Waiting in the place of prayer till I had an answer became the new normal. And those long hours of prayers gave way to several other insights that still hold me today.
Today, although we have reverted to going to church, I still cannot compare the level of spirituality I saw among Christians during the COVID-19 period to what it is now. Aside from my prayer sessions and church prayer meetings, I still remember the number of daily prayer meetings I would have to join because I had committed to this or that prayer community. It was a reasonable period for some people because they could proudly say they had a daily prayer and Word study life thanks to this or that church, community or friends. Some individuals gained insights into the Word of God from the ministers they chose to follow. Today, some people cannot stand the thought of receiving or joining a prayer link because they feel disloyal or unfaithful to their church. Yet, those links helped them have a consistent prayer life some years ago compared to the once-in-a-week prayer meeting at their church.
Fellow Christian brothers and sisters, we are all of the body of Christ. Why are you shunning another ministry only because it doesn't have your pastor as head or church name? I am always sad when people get furious because they received an Alpha Hour link, an NSPPD link, and Prophet Sarkodie's link, among many others. I understand if your spirit cannot connect with a particular ministry or minister based on an error in their theology. But I can't understand the hardness of your heart against other ministries or ministers because they are not of or from your church. The only recognisable name in Heaven is Jesus. Being a Church A or B member doesn't give you any special privilege or treatment in Heaven. Have we yet to read that we are all a part of a massive body of Christ? A ministry or minister may be a hand or leg in the body of Christ, but it does not make them robust or less potent because it is only in unity that the church can stand and conquer. If the Lord has asked a man of God to have a conference with six (6) pastors and three (3) singers, know for a certainty that each pastor and singer will manifest the move of God in that meeting differently. Each minister will uniquely speak or address a particular group, person, or situation by God's plan. No matter what you do or say, God has freely distributed His Grace to all His children. The man full of His Graces and the conduit and container of all is JESUS, not your pastor/shepherd/papa or my pastor/shepherd/papa.
Over the past decade, I have been enriched in various ways by the ministries of Pastor Benny, Pastor Joseph Prince, Bishop Dag, Archbishop Nicholas, Rev. Eastwood, Pastor Isaiah, Prophet Angel, Rev. Elvis, Prophet Sarkodie, Prophet Edem, Apostle Arome, Apostle Odoma, Apostle Orokpo, Apostle Suleman, Apostle Selman, E.M. Bounds, Pastor Bill Johnson, A. W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, and many others. None of these men have any relation or connection to my church or spiritual father. However, I have learned from my spiritual father to always heed the Holy Spirit's guidance. When the Holy Spirit prompts me to read a book, listen to a message, or follow a man of God for a period, I obey without hesitation. Like many of you, if my spirit struggles with the content of a book or message, I know I don't have the clearance to engage with it at that moment. This has even happened with particular books in the Bible. For instance, in the past, I found it challenging to understand the book of Romans, Revelation, and Hebrews. But through prayer and obedience to the Holy Spirit, these books have opened up to me, revealing new insights and deepening my understanding of God's word.
Brothers and sisters, I love good teaching. Good teachings are the keys to success in the kingdom of light and darkness. The man or woman in the kingdom of light who understands the foundations of their faith in God is a walking danger or terror to the most advanced man or woman in the kingdom of darkness. The uniqueness of every man or woman of God is found in the aspect of Wisdom they encountered in their journies with God. Have you wondered why a man or woman of God thinks it is easy to operate in their giftings? It isn't a sign of pride. It is because Wisdom freely offered them the key to that gift. Most of these men are in ministry because they know and understand a particular secret in the kingdom. Based on their teaching, we are open to these mysteries and manifest these kingdom giftings consistently based on our understanding of that mystery. I don't join the meetings of particular churches or pastors to vet for possible new church communities in case the leadership of my church annoys me or I don't feel the environment any longer; NO! I only join these churches or pastors because I have been led to tap into grace or learn something from that ministry or person. For example, every student of Bishop Dag's bible school found a love for reading based on the structure of the curriculum, which was based on the study structure of a medical doctor, now a pastor. I visited EWC to taste their 48 hours of Word, prayer, and worship program. Have I ever felt the need to make it an annual experience? NO! When I needed to do it, the Lord created the urge, made the way and gave me the grace to stay in that church for 48 hours without feeling bored.
In summary, I know several people today who are Sunday church-going members, tithe-paying, and tongues-speaking, and who did not have a consistent prayer life until they joined one of these popular links. I believe these online prayer communities have been raised by God to help some people fight their way through corporate prayers. For others, it is an opportunity to open their lives to certain mysteries and encounters that have been their portion since the beginning.
Please, do not feel guilty! Whether it is Alpha hour, Commanding Your Morning, NSPPD, Halleluyah challenge or any other link that keeps you connected to God, join and build that relationship with God. On the day of judgment, what will matter is your knowledge of God, not your loyalty to your church. Your personal spiritual growth is your responsibility and should not be hindered by allegiance to a particular pastor, church, ministry or movement. Only Jesus is King and Lord. (to be continued)
Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in Christ.
NB: While genuine ministers are called to this movement of daily prayer meetings, charlatans have joined in muddying the water. Always be sensitive to the Spirit's leading when connecting to any link, reading any book, or listening to any message.