Sunday, August 13, 2023



I live in a community where every house has a water reservoir (PolyTank) because of some water situation that has been in existence for God knows how long. We mostly expect water on Wednesdays and Thursdays, then we have to wait patiently until the following week for water to flow through our taps again. Until the following week, it is a must or wise to use the water stored in the reservoir proportionally. If not, you would have to spend extra money to buy water. In other words, it is understanding that makes one cultivate the act of water rationing for the five to six days of no water.

For the days that the water runs through my tap, I shower at the slightest sight or thought of sweat on my body (I waste water like a newborn baby awaiting mummy while left alone in the bathing tub). Then, for days without water, I am wise to only bathe twice a day—in the morning and before bedtime. One Sunday I got home from church very tired and in need of a cold shower, but knowing very well that the tap was not flowing, I ignored the thought of an afternoon shower and continued with whatever I had to do. All I could do was wait until it was dark to take a shower before going to bed. While I stood in the kitchen fetching water from the bucket I keep in the kitchen for cooking to wash some dishes, my friend walked in and opened the tap to fill the water kettle with water so he could heat some water to take his bath. Out of shock and feeling stupid, I questioned him like a thief under interrogation. "Why didn’t you tell me that the tap is flowing with water? Didn’t you know that I wanted to bathe?" I asked. He gave an answer that became the foundation for my discussion with the Holy Spirit that night. "I noticed it was flowing when I tried to open the tap in the bathroom," he said.

 While praying that evening, I decided to use the washroom, and the Holy Spirit brought up that scenario with my friend. He then asked, "Can you imagine the number of blessings or gifts you haven’t allowed to flow into and through your vessel only because you have refused to try to open the tap? How would you know a gift or blessing you have consistently prayed for or have been gifted with hasn’t been given to you or doesn’t work if you haven’t tried to use it? If you haven’t tried to pray for the sick, hoping for healing, how would you know that you have the gift of healing? If you haven’t tried to tell that friend or stranger what you are sensing about him or her while with him or her, how would you know that you have the gift of prophecy, a word of knowledge, or a word of wisdom? If you haven’t prayed over a matter without ceasing while hoping for an answer, how would you know that God answers prayers? If you haven’t tried to teach the word of God, how would you know that you have the gift of teaching? How would you know if you haven’t tried it?"

"In Matthew chapter ten, didn't the Lord give the disciples power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and disease? Wasn't it in their doing that the disciples knew that whatever Jesus had said they had received was exactly so? This story is even clearer in Luke chapter 10, in which we see them return happy because the devils obeyed them. If they hadn’t tried it, they wouldn’t have found out the unique power resting on and in their lives because of Jesus Christ. Try to open your tap! I am not asking you to fake it until you make it. I am asking you to put into practice whatever you are praying for, have been praying for, or have been gifted with, because when you ask the Father what He has placed on your heart, He has already answered. Try to open your tap and let whatever must flow into and out of the vessel freely do so," He added.

My fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord, as you begin this week, I pray that the Lord of Grace will grant you the needed grace to try to open whatever tap must be opened in your life in whatever season you find yourself in now, in Jesus’ name.

Remain in the blessings of God as you remain in His Son, Jesus Christ.