Monday, April 27, 2020


Since it rained heavily on Sunday, the 26th of April 2020, I decided to wash on Monday, the 27th of April 2020 after days of piling clothes in the name of COVID-19 lockdown. For some weird reason, I have been thinking if I washed and a COVID-19 infected person passed by and mistakenly coughed, the virus would contaminate the clothes and in the long run infect me. I said it was a weird thought; please stop smiling.

Anyway, as I was washing I was meditating on the Love of God in relation to my newly found favorite scripture – Romans 5:7-8. As I was thinking about the verse and the various scenarios in the old and new testaments that displayed the love of God through the prophets, great men and women of old, and especially through Jesus Christ on earth; Evangelist Sarkodie and Sister Efya’s song, SAARA, came to mind. Now, this was very strange to me because as I was washing I had a good collection of gospel music playing as it is my custom. And when I mean Gospel music, I mean songs from Theophilus Sunday, Juanita Bynum, Nathaniel Bassey, and others. There was nothing Sarkodie, Efya, Wizkid, Davido, etc playing. And I happen to be a big fan of Diana Hamilton, Denzel Prempeh, Joe Mettle, Nathaniel Bassey, Pastor Isaiah, and a few others; so, WHERE FROM THIS SONG?

Being a spiritual son of a Prophet, I immediately wanted to rebuke the thought but then I was encouraged in my spirit to rethink the lyrics especially the chorus. I did and all I heard within was, “That is the love of God. He doesn’t love you because you are good or perfect. He loves you because He is Love. You were made in His image. What you are now isn’t what He sees. He sees what He made you to be. He doesn’t see a prostitute when He looks at one. He sees a daughter who has been misled like the prodigal son.” Don’t forget what happened in the Garden of Eden: when God met Adam and Adam told God he was naked, God asked a relevant question – “Who told you that you were naked?” Our failure to meditate on that question is the reason most people find themselves where they are today. They are listening to another voice, instead of the voice of God which is always saying, “I Love You and I love you just the way you are.” (If you are thinking “Bruno Mars”, you are in the spirit.)

Now, many have a problem with IRREVERSIBLE/IRRETRIEVABLE LOVE. Let me explain: Many have come to believe in the doctrine of, “whatever I give must surely come back to me in ten thousand folds.” And this weird doctrine has been the main reason for the many heartbreaks and bitterness we see in many today. And I am a living example. So, when I asked the Holy Spirit to start working on me, the first thing He did was to renew my mind on this evil doctrine. And I call it evil doctrine because the end result builds no fruit of the Spirit; rather it magnifies the works of the flesh as seen in Galatians chapter 5.
Reading Ephesians 5:22-33, we are introduced to a way of living in the Kingdom of God when it comes to the relationship of the highest order - marriage. Husbands/men are advised to love their wives/women just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself up for her. Our failure to understand this allegory has led to the greatest error in this highest form of human interaction – marriage. According to the passage in Ephesians, the only thing a wife/woman must do is to submit to the husband/man, and the husband/man is to love the wife/woman. But, the love of the husband/man must be like the Love of Christ for the Church.

So, how does Christ love the Church? According to Romans 5:7-8, while the Church was still wallowing in sin, Christ still died for the Church. Indirectly, while the Church/the bride of Christ, was imperfect – stealing, lying, murdering, worshiping idols, fornicating, blaspheming, etc – He still thought the right decision was to sacrifice Himself for her. That is the definition of IRREVERSIBLE/IRRETRIEVABLE LOVE. Now, any human being reading this with earthly wisdom will surely say it is insane. Yes, according to earthly standard, it is insane; but it is wise according to heavenly standards. Christ did not agree to die because the church promised to change.  No! He died because He wanted to show the church that His Love has no condition attached to it.
From the Book of Genesis to John, we see the only Loving God asking His bride to come back to Him after forcefully sacking her from His abode (the Garden of Eden) because she disobeyed a simple instruction. When God gave Jesus, all He was saying was this, “I know the enemy would still try to whisper things into your ears, but know that I still love you and always have my hands opened to welcome you back. Do not try to change yourself before coming back. Like the prodigal son I am the only best person to make you truly look and act as a royal again; not you. Just come as you are. My words will wash you like water. If you do it on your own, you will surely go back. If I do it, it is forever. Just come back home the way you are.” (For further explanation of this insane love, please read the Book of Hosea.)

NB: If you are loving someone because you are expecting the person to do likewise, you are in no way loving like Christ loved the Church. You are only investing wrongly. Until a bank knows that you are investing, it will continue to treat your investment as Savings. If you truly love her, you would love her as Christ loves the Church.

Anyway, a big thank you to Evangelist Sarkodie and Sister Efya for such a unique reminder of the Love of God for all. I would wish to write more but it would take an eternity to finish. And as long as the church refuses to tell the world about the Love of God, the Lord will always find a way to do so.

Remain in the blessings of the Lord as you remain in Christ.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Genesis 6:8 (AMP)           But Noah found favor and grace in the eyes of the Lord.

In the sixth chapter of Genesis, our beloved Heavenly Father is angry at humanity for the wickedness and evil He constantly sees in the beautiful world He took ample time to create in light. To this, He takes a drastic decision to destroy the very man He created in His own image and likeness to be fruitful, to multiply and to have dominion. But, according to the same chapter, one man found favor and grace in the eyes of the Lord; not two or three men. JUST ONE MAN!

The Lord had made up His mind, but He was also not ready to destroy the only man who was going against the norm of that evil generation. So, He decided to use the very destruction at hand to raise the only man. For example, the same cross that brought doom to wicked men was the same cross that brought Glory to our savior Jesus Christ. In the case of Noah, the same water that drowned all men and animals was the same water that kept Him above the destruction. (NB: my concentration is on Noah, not his family)

It is not a mistake or a waste of time that you are the only one who seems to be going against the evil norm wherever you find yourself. It is not a mistake that you are the only one not taking bribe in that office. It is not a mistake that you are the only one not stealing from your boss. It is not a mistake that you are the only one not sleeping around with every single lady or gentleman you tag as a girl/boyfriend. It is not a mistake that you have decided to be faithful to God. It is not a mistake or a waste of time.

Do not forget the teaching of Jesus on the mountain. You are the Light of the World. It is your responsibility to make your Light shine in the space (world) you find yourself. Your Light is not meant to shine in the church building. Your Light must shine in the world. The world is your office, your house, your school, your society, your family, your school clubs, etc. God needs you to shine your Light there so He gets the glory from men. You are the man/woman He is looking for in that family, church, society, office, etc; no one else.

I know the path looks lonely, but I can promise you this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE
God is not in need of an army, He only needs one man in the family, society, school, or church to make that difference. 
He has carefully done His search in that family, society, church, office, etc and one man/woman has found favor and grace in His eyes. That man/woman is YOU
You are the Noah He wants to covenant with to save that family, society, church, office, etc. 
You are the Noah He wants to covenant with to build that ark for the family, society, church, office, etc.


Remain in the blessings of the Lord as you remain in Christ.